Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 3

In week 3 we concentrated on writing the script. We were taught to "write what we know".
Because it'd be just plain stupid if we wrote a whole story on organ donations if we didn't have a clue about the topic in the first place. It would more than likely be obvious that you didn't have a clue what you were talking about.
So stick to what we know. That or research extensively before writing.
Then we went on to discuss that we need to hold the audience's attention.
Never let it become boring. Whether it be a fight, some drama here and there, whatever, just something constantly keeping the audience in front of the screen.
We were taught that we need to know our characters. Write a profile and get to know the person you're inventing. What their personality is like, what their hobbies are etc. So in theory, every word they say will make sense when compared to the character profile. Then we learned how to correctly format a script and in the tutorial we were given a website to read the script to 3 kinds at the same time as watching it.

I thoroughly enjoyed 3 kings and it was an extremely engaging movie because it started off with a problem. Which was they wanted to find the gold. Not long into the movie, they'd found the gold, but had found a larger problem, that was they couldn't leave the civilians to get murdered and wrongfully treated by their own force. It was interesting throughout the movie to watch as the men featured were slowly leaving the gold behind in order to help the civilians.

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