Thursday, June 9, 2011


So we stayed til 10pm last night and 10pm tonight but i'm glad to say that it is officially finished.
Naysan, Lisa and I saved it onto the hard-drive and we are handing it in tomorrow. The past two days we did most of the serious editing, doing the colour correction, correcting the sound levels, adding transitions, credits etc. We are quite happy with the end result and I can't wait til the screening.
This production was extremely fun to do. It isn't often I say that about an assignment.
I was glad to meet the people in my group.

Not all our group participated equally.
That's about it. Can't wait til Screen Production 2!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today we uploaded our footage to computer. Which was horrible because it took so long.
Couldn't get anything else done by the time it was finished.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Uni Bar Scenes

Today we finished filming.
It was the uni bar scenes so they were pretty hard to film.
We had to wait til 10am for the bar to open, then the moment it did open, Fiona unfortunately had to leave. So we didn't have enough people to help us film/be in the film so it took us a while to make some calls but we sorted it out. The main problem was the sound. You couldn't hear anything except the background music and people.
What we did was got the wireless microphones and put the receiver on the table so it would pick up their voices as they were sitting around the table talking.
This worked really well and we were proud of the idea.
This finished filming and we were glad that it was out of the way

Friday, April 29, 2011


The past two days we filmed. I have to admit that it was pretty fun. We used Naysan's house and his housemates volunteered as actors for our film.
The most annoying thing I reckon was doing white balance. I hated it.
Yesterday we decided to have a break so we lay down on a couch. We all literally fell asleep and I was surprised that filming could take so much out of us.
Vu, Lisa and I did a lot of the filming as Naysan sort of directed the actors what to do, as he was the main character in the film. We all took in turns to hold the boom mic which I didn't like at all.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pre-production done and DONE

We finished pre-production today.
After Naysan and Lisa did the rough of the script on the weekend, we went over it and made some minor changes here and there. Nothing major.
I then worked on the stuff like what props we would need etc.
Lisa, Naysan and I then did the shot list, which was frustrating, simply because it is easy to screw up a table, and we did this many times.
Once post-production was done, we had a drink at uni bar before heading off to mid-semester break.

Friday, April 15, 2011


So we met with Josh and completely changed our idea.
Well not completely.
Instead of having it about the guy who does everything for everyone
We changed it to.. wait for it.....
someone who thinks they are so top and good to people, when really, they're actually a dick head.
We also did the first draft of the script and the shot list.
Lisa and Naysan are going to meet up on the weekend to do the rough copy of the script.
We already have a rough of the scenes, just need the details.
Not much to go on Pre-production now which is good because it's due next week.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Brain Storming

Today we met for our first group meeting to discuss ideas.
We had a fair few ideas but in the end we liked the following idea the best.

Something to do with someone who always does things for other people and they always take advantage of that.
Eg. buys his friends drinks and they never pay him back.
You get the point.
This literally took hours to think of.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Organised a group today

So for our main production we finally organised a group today. I was away last week, and as it be, so was the rest of my group. So now that we are behind, we have called ourselves,
Our group consists of:
Naysan Eshraghi
Lisa Ditlefsen
Anh Vu
Fiona Yang
and of course me.

We have organised to meet up tomorrow and have the task to think of ideas for our "how to" video over night.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 4

In week 4 we focused on Language in film.
We studied the different types of angles, and shot types etc, including rule of thirds and the 180 Degree rule.

Week 3

In week 3 we concentrated on writing the script. We were taught to "write what we know".
Because it'd be just plain stupid if we wrote a whole story on organ donations if we didn't have a clue about the topic in the first place. It would more than likely be obvious that you didn't have a clue what you were talking about.
So stick to what we know. That or research extensively before writing.
Then we went on to discuss that we need to hold the audience's attention.
Never let it become boring. Whether it be a fight, some drama here and there, whatever, just something constantly keeping the audience in front of the screen.
We were taught that we need to know our characters. Write a profile and get to know the person you're inventing. What their personality is like, what their hobbies are etc. So in theory, every word they say will make sense when compared to the character profile. Then we learned how to correctly format a script and in the tutorial we were given a website to read the script to 3 kinds at the same time as watching it.

I thoroughly enjoyed 3 kings and it was an extremely engaging movie because it started off with a problem. Which was they wanted to find the gold. Not long into the movie, they'd found the gold, but had found a larger problem, that was they couldn't leave the civilians to get murdered and wrongfully treated by their own force. It was interesting throughout the movie to watch as the men featured were slowly leaving the gold behind in order to help the civilians.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week two

During week two we viewed a couple of short films and talked about how they worked / how they didn't. We started watching a movie "Brick" and were given the task to go home and watch it and talk about the movie. It seemed to me like a depressing movie and I sort of found it hard to follow along due to lack of speech and action.

During the tutorial one of the short films I really enjoyed was the following. I enjoyed it because it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time, and I liked the subject it was based upon.

During the week since the last tutorial, I watched two movies.
"I Am Number Four" and "Marley and Me".
I enjoyed them both a whole lot and .....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


G'day the name is Anna McMillan. 2761455

Doing a Bachelor of Communications majoring in digital communication and media studies.

I chose the class Screen Production because it looks pretty damn hardcore and I'm really looking forward to doing it.
It's going to be heaps fun I am thinking.
Laters for now, can't wait to post on this blog every day of my life, yayyyy.